Parenting at a time of massive changes becomes even more important than ever before. But what is good parenting at this time in history. The author has a keen understanding of parenting in our present stage of development. You will notice that the first focus is on the parents themselves. How will they manage their attitudes, their feelings, their expectations and their perceptions is a major pre-requisite of being a good parent. Modelling kindness, acceptance, appreciation and responsibility is part of being a modern day successful parent.
Moving from only complaining, judging, criticizing to accepting everything without boundaries has not worked either. One needs to accept the child, the being part, and help the child on the doing part. For example,“I love you but I don’t like what you are doing”is an excellent approach in parenting.
The book has so many valuable insights on how to be a great parent starting with oneself, then building a positive, caring relationship and finally guiding the child by example.
If possible stop comparing your child negatively with other children. That creates a symptom of never being good enough. Don’t make your child the victim of perfectionism! What a great chapter. Please also notice the importance of trying beyond the edge of comfort without making the goal an impossibility.
All in all the book is excellent and very timely including how to prepare the first child for arrival of the second child now that parents are allowed to have a second child. I wish you happy and successful parenting.
Top international master of the Satir Model
Founder of the Satir Institute of the Pacific
Director of the International Family Therapy Association
Honorary consultant of the Satir Institute of China
Co-author of The Satir Model and Beyond
Visiting Professor of Beijing Normal University
John Banmen