Day 16 “白头发”不是white hair那是什么?
A: Dude,does your dad have white hair?
D: White hair? No,he has gray hair.
A: I notice you have some gray hair too.
D: Shut up. I'm still young. Where's the closest mirror?
A: I'm kidding.
D: Ugh,I hate you.
All right,听完今天的对话之后,我们要学习的是“白头发”的英文表达。如果我们直接翻译“白头发”的话就是“white hair”,但是呢:
This is a really easy explanation. In Chinese you say when a person gets older,they have “white hair”. In English we have “gray hair”. So you say “white hair”,we say “gray hair”.
这个其实还蛮有趣的。我们叫“白头发”,然后他们叫“灰头发”,即“gray hair”。同时还有另外一个有意思的事情,就是外国人喝的红茶,他们不叫“red tea”,而叫“black tea”。
OK,so today's bonus is why western people call the tea“black tea” and you guys call it“red tea”. Well,we call it“black tea” because the leaf,the color of the leaf is black. Whereas in China you call it “red tea” because the actual tea is red.
我之前知道西方人会说“红茶”为black tea,但是我不知道为什么。今天大白给大家解释清楚了,就是他们其实是看茶叶的颜色,而我们是看茶水的颜色。Thank you,大白。