Prezi Essentials

Chapter 1. Introduction

Welcome to Prezi Essentials, your guide to designing presentations with a powerful and dynamic online tool. In this introductory chapter, we will be setting the scene and covering the following topics:

  • Why use Prezi?: An exploration of some of the advantages of this tool and how it differs from traditional tools, such as PowerPoint
  • Getting to know the lingo: In this section, we will explore some common terminology for Prezi
  • Getting inspired: Enough talk, this section will show you what you can do, and hopefully get your creative juices flowing
  • Getting started: Now that you are raring to go, this section will give you some practical tips on what you need to continue your Prezi journey
  • Which account to choose?: Finally, we will look at which account types might be right for you, so you have everything you need to begin creating a Prezi presentation