Arduino Electronics Blueprints


In this chapter, a sound effects machine was built using an Arduino, SD module, and few off-the-shelf electronic components. The fundamentals of SPI and full duplex communications were explained in the chapter. Adding digital logic switches to the Arduino and WAV files to the SD card were also explained. The installation of the TMRpcm library was provided using GitHub website images and step by step instructions. The operation of the Arduino code was explained aided by the comment statements in the applications software. Finally, the sound effects machine was tested along with the additional information to provide a random file selection feature. Adding an LED bar graph display for selected sounds was explained.

In Chapter 2, Programmable DC Motor Controller with LCD, a discussion on how to build a small electronic controller to operate small power, low voltage DC rotating machines will be presented. Learning objectives in the chapter include interfacing discrete digital logic to an Arduino, wiring a small DC motor to a digital logic gate, and programming a dc motor controller function selection cursor for an LCD. Mini lab testing procedures, Arduino code explanation, and the final project assembly will be provided and discussed in this chapter.