How to do it...
Let's go through another example usage of IFS to parse the /etc/passwd file. In the /etc/passwd file, every line contains items delimited by :. Each line in the file corresponds to an attribute related to a user.
Consider the input: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash. The last entry on each line specifies the default shell for the user.
Print users and their default shells using the IFS hack:
#!/bin/bash #Desc: Illustration of IFS line="root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" oldIFS=$IFS; IFS=":" count=0 for item in $line; do [ $count -eq 0 ] && user=$item; [ $count -eq 6 ] && shell=$item; let count++ done; IFS=$oldIFS echo $user's shell is $shell;
The output will be as follows:
root's shell is /bin/bash
Loops are very useful in iterating through a sequence of values. Bash provides many types of loops.
- List-oriented for loop:
for var in list; do commands; # use $var done
A list can be a string or a sequence of values.
We can generate sequences with the echo command:
echo {1..50} ;# Generate a list of numbers from 1 to 50. echo {a..z} {A..Z} ;# List of lower and upper case letters.
We can combine these to concatenate data.
In the following code, in each iteration, the variable i will hold a character in the a to z range:
for i in {a..z}; do actions; done;
- Iterate through a range of numbers:
for((i=0;i<10;i++)) { commands; # Use $i }
- Loop until a condition is met:
The while loop continues while a condition is true, the until loop runs until a condition is true:
while condition do commands; done
For an infinite loop, use true as the condition:
- Use a until loop:
A special loop called until is available with Bash. This executes the loop until the given condition becomes true. Consider this example:
x=0; until [ $x -eq 9 ]; # [ $x -eq 9 ] is the condition do let x++; echo $x; done