Config variables
In the config/config.js file, we will define some server-side configuration related variables that will be used in the code, but should not be hardcoded as a best practice, as well as for security purposes.
const config = {
env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
jwtSecret: process.env.JWT_SECRET || "YOUR_secret_key",
mongoUri: process.env.MONGODB_URI ||
process.env.MONGO_HOST ||
'mongodb://' + (process.env.IP || 'localhost') + ':' +
(process.env.MONGO_PORT || '27017') +
export default config
The config variables defined are:
- env: To differentiate between development and production mode
- port: To define the listening port for the server
- jwtSecret: The secret key to be used to sign JWT
- mongoUri: The location of the MongoDB database for the project