Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE

Using the all-open plugin in Gradle

The all-open plugin for Gradle can be used as follows:

buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-allopen:$kotlin_version"
apply plugin: "kotlin-allopen"

We have to add the plugin artifact in the buildscript dependencies section of the Gradle file. We can also enable the all-open plugin using the plugins section, as follows:

plugins {
id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.allopen" version "1.2.41"

Following this, we can specify a list of annotations that will make our classes open and accessible:

allOpen {

We can specify multiple annotations using the annotations section in the allOpen plugin:

 allOpen {

We can then define custom annotations. The all-open compiler plugin is used to open the classes that are annotated with the custom annotations:

allOpen {

annotation class MyAnnotation

class Person{ }

Now, the Person class will be open.

The MyAnnotation class is annotated with a meta-annotation—@org.rao.kolin.javaee.Annotation. It is now an all-open plugin annotation that can be used in other classes to make them open and accessible.