Lesson 13 What's the point of even wearing a helmet if you're not going to buckle it?如果不把系带扣上,那你戴头盔有什么意义呢?
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You're going for a bicycle ride with your boyfriend.He has a helmet,but he doesn't like having the strap on his chin.You can say:
What's the point of even wearing a helmet if you're not going to buckle it?
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pronunciation of these parts.
1.First,remember to pause after "helmet".
1.首先,记得 “helmet” 后需要停顿。
2.Link "point of even",and when you can say it fast,leave out the/t/in "point".
2.“point of even” 连读,当你快读时,“point” 中的/t/不发音。
3."wearing a" can be linked in two ways:keep the/ŋ/sound in"wearing",or replace it with/n/,as if you're saying "wearin a".
4.When you say it fast,"not going to" sounds like/ˈnɑːgənə/.
3.“wearing a” 可以以两种方式连读,保留 “wearing” 中的/ŋ/音,或者用/n/代替,好像在读 “wearin a”。
5.Be sure to link "buckle it",and reduce"to" to/tə/.
4.“not going to” 快读时听起来像/ˈnɑːgənə/。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
5.“buckle it” 一定要连读,并且 “to” 弱读成/tə/。
1.Stress these words:"what's" "wearing""buckle".
1.“what's” “wearing”“buckle” 三个单词重读。
2.Say it in a criticizing tone,because you're not happy when someone behaves recklessly.
Now,practice,and you will learn to say this现在,多加练习,你就能学会像sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
What's the point of ( something)?(某事) 的意义是什么?
"The point" of something is the reason for doing it.But this word is often used in the negative sense:"What's the point?" "There's no point." "I don't see the point.",etc.
某件事情的 “意义” 在一定程度上是促使你这样做的原因,但这个词经常用于表达消极含义,如:“有什么意义?” “没有意义。” “我看不到意义所在。”,等等。
You can say "What's the point of (something)?" or "What's the point of (doing something)?".
你可以说“(某事) 有什么意义?”或者 “(做某事) 有什么意义?”。
What's the point of Facebook?I don't get it.
What's the point of studying math in school anyway?No one ever uses it in real life.
When you ask"What's the point of________?",it's usually a criticism and can sound negative.So you should use it when you are angry and annoyed about something.Depending on your personality,you may not want to show people that you're angry unless you're close to them.A more polite way to ask "What's the point of this meeting?" would be:
当你问 “What's the point of________?” 时,通常是带有消极含义的批评。当你生气,或是愤怒时可以使用这种表达。你也可以根据你自身的性格来选择用语,或许由于性格原因,你不愿意向不亲近的人表达生气的情绪,这时你可以用一种更礼貌的方式来问:
“What's this meeting about?” 这次会议是关于什么内容的?
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
wear a helmet戴头盔
A "helmet" is something hard that you wear on your head in order to protect it.People wear helmets while riding motorcycles or bicycles and when playing certain dangerous sports like baseball or American football.
“helmet” 是戴在头上保护头部的坚硬物体,人们一般在骑摩托车、自行车或像打棒球、橄榄球等危险运动时会戴头盔。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
buckle ( a belt or strap)扣 (安全带/皮带)
A "buckle" is the part of a belt or strap where you attach the two ends to each other.The belts people wear on their pants have buckles.So do some shoes,straps for handbags and luggage,and seatbelts.
“带扣” 是带子或皮带的一部分,你可以将两端相互连接在一起。人们穿裤子的腰带有扣环。还有一些鞋子、手提包和行李带以及座位安全带上也有。
When you attach something with a buckle,you're "buckling" it.You "buckle" the strap or belt itself:
当你用带扣附上某物时,你“扣” 的是皮带或带子本身,如:
Can you buckle that strap?你能扣上那条皮带吗?
And you"buckle up" or"buckle in" the thing that's contained by the belt or strap.
而你 “扣上” 的是带子或皮带上的东西。
There you go.You're all buckled in!好了,已经完全扣上了。
When you want him to put the helmet on correctly.You can say:
What's the point of even wearing a helmet if you're not going to buckle it?