damn [dæm] ....................CET6 考研 GRE
动 指责;咒骂
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶This play is awful. It is no wonder that it is damned by the reviewers(评论家).
damp [dæmp] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 潮湿的
动 使潮湿
同 moist 潮湿的
参考句型 how about / what about...?
▶形 I don't like the damp weather in this city; what about you?
▶动 How about damping your cloth before cleaning the windows?
dead·line [ˈdedlaɪn] .........................考研 IELTS
名 最后期限
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is impossible(不可能的)for us to meet the deadline because of the terrible weather.
de·clare [dɪˈkleə(r)]....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 宣告,公告
参考句型 there is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶There is no point in declaring a war on such a weak country.
dec·o·ra·tion [ˌdekəˈreɪʃn] ..................TOEFL IELTS
名 装饰
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you tell me when you can finish the decoration of the living room?
de·crease [dɪˈkri:s] .......................OEFL IELTS
动 减少;减小
名 减少;减小
反 increase 增加
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶动 I am afraid the population here will decrease year by year.
▶名 I am afraid that there will be some decrease in exports.
de·feat [dɪˈfi:t] .................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 挫败,击败
动 击败,战胜
参考句型 I wish...
▶名 He was depressed by his defeat. I wish he could bounce back soon.
▶动 I wish our basketball team could defeat their team next season.
de·fend [dɪˈfend] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 保卫;防守
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think this famous team defended well enough in the game.
de·fense [dɪˈfens] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 防御
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶Each attack is also a defense; what do you think about that?
de·fen·si·ble [dɪˈfensəbl] ............................CET6 考研
形 可辩护的;可防御的
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think the theory he put forward is defensible; do you agree?
de·fen·sive [dɪˈfensɪv] ..........................TOEFL
形 防御的;保卫的
参考句型 there is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶There is no good in adopting defensive attitudes; our plan is doomed(命中注定的)to failure.
def·i·nite [ˈdefɪnət] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 确定的
同 precise 确切的
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that they are unwilling(不愿意的)to give us a definite answer.
del·i·cate [ˈdelɪkət] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 精细的;精巧的
参考句型 do / would you mind...?
▶Do you mind buying some delicate instruments for these scientists?
de·light [dɪˈlaɪt]..........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 欣喜
动 使高兴
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶名 This paly was excellent. It is no wonder that the audience roared in delight.这部戏太棒了,怪不得观众们都兴高采烈地欢呼起来了。
▶动 This circus is very famous in Las Vegas; it is no wonder that the show delights everyone present.
de·light·ful [dɪˈlaɪtfl] .................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 令人欣喜的
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶It was a delightful party; it's a pity that you didn't come that day.
de·mand [dɪˈmɑ:nd] .................. CET4 CET6 考研 GRE
名 要求
动 要求
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶名 He is the boss; it is no wonder that all of them caved in to his demand.
▶动 She smokes; it is no wonder that she demanded a room all to herself last night.她有抽烟的习惯,怪不得昨晚她要求自己住一个房间。
dem·on·strate [ˈdemənstreɪt] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 展现;表明
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶This election demonstrated democracy in action; what do you think about it?
dem·on·stra·tion [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn] .........................TOEFL
名 证明;示范
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶Will you give us a demonstration? We don't know how to use the machine.你愿意为我们做个示范吗?我们不知道如何使用这台机器。
dense [dens] ...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
形 密集的;稠密的
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶There was a dense fog; it is no wonder that the traffic slowed down.
de·part [dɪˈpɑ:t] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 离开,走开
同 leave 离开
参考句型 ...so that...
▶He departed early in the morning so that he wouldn't miss the early train.为了不错过早班的火车,他一大早就离开了。
de·par·ture [dɪˈpɑ:tʃə(r)] ...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 离去;出发
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think he knows the exact departure time of the flight.
de·pend·a·ble [dɪˈpendəbl] ............................TOEFL
形 可靠的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think he is a dependable and hard-working(努力工作的)worker?
de·pend·ent [dɪˈpendənt] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 从属者
形 从属的;依赖的
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶名 I am afraid once he loses his fortune, he will be a dependent.
▶形 I am afraid that I can't be dependent on my old parents any more.
de·press [dɪˈpres] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 压下;降低
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶Rainy weather always depresses me and what's worse, I don't know what to do at home.
de·pres·sion [dɪˈpreʃn] .................CET6 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 沮丧;萧条;降低
参考句型 or / otherwise...
▶The government must take actions at once, or we will have another Great Depression.政府必须立刻采取措施,否则我们将遭遇另一次大萧条。
de·serve [dɪˈzɜ:v] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 值得;应得
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶Honors do not always go to those who deserve them; what do you think about that?荣誉并非永远属于应得的人,你觉得呢?
des·per·ate [ˈdespərət] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 绝望的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you believe a desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants?难道你不相信一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来吗?
de·spite [dɪˈspaɪt] .....................CET4 CET6 考研
介 不管,不顾
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶People don't want to be delayed; it is no wonder that the plane took off despite the fog.
de·struc·tion [dɪˈstrʌkʃn] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 破坏,损坏
参考句型 I wish...
▶His desire for money will lead him to his destruction one day; I wish he could understand that soon.
de·tec·tive [dɪˈtektɪv] ........................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 侦探,探员
形 侦探的
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶名 I don't think the detective can reason out how the murderer has escaped.我认为这名侦探无法弄明白凶手是如何逃脱的。
▶形 I don't think there is any detective agency here.
de·ter·mi·na·tion [dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃn] ......................CET4 CET6 IELTS GRE
名 决心
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think he has the determination to overcome this difficulty.
de·vice [dɪˈvaɪs] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 装置;设计
参考句型 the+比较级, the+比较级
▶A computer is a device for processing information; the more you use it, the more you know.
de·vise [dɪˈvaɪz] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 设计;想出
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...?
▶He is devising how to do that thing, so please don't disturb him.
de·vote [dɪˈvəʊt] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 贡献,奉献
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶He likes to help people a lot; it is no wonder that he decides to devote himself to becoming a doctor.
di·a·per [ˈdaɪəpə(r)] .................. CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 尿布
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you change the baby's diaper? I am a bit busy now.
dif·fer [ˈdɪfə(r)] .................CET4 CET6 考研
动 不同,相异
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶You are not mature enough; it is no wonder that I differ with your opinion on this matter.
di·gest [daɪˈdʒest] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 了解;消化
名 摘要;分类
参考句型 it takes (sb)+一段时间+to+v. ...
▶动 It often takes us quite a long time to digest new ideas.
▶名 It took her ten minutes to read the digest of the week's news.
di·ges·tion [daɪˈdʒestʃən] .......................... TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 领会,领悟;消化
参考句型 why not...?
▶This kind of tea acts as an aid to digestion; why not have a try?
dig·i·tal [ˈdɪdʒɪtl] ........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
形 数字的;数码的
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶What do you think of the digital camera? It's the latest model this year.
dig·ni·ty [ˈdɪgnətɪ] .....................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 威严;尊严
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶In my opinion, only a truly(真正地)free person has human dignity;what do you think of that?
di·li·gence [ˈdɪlɪdʒəns] .................GRE
名 勤勉,勤奋
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is quite clear that genius is nothing but labor and diligence.
di·plo·ma [dɪˈpləʊmə] ........................CET6 考研 IELTS
名 文凭;毕业证书
参考句型 I wish...
▶I wish he could work hard enough to get his history diploma this year.
dip·lo·mat [ˈdɪpləmæt] ............................IELTS
名 外交官
参考句型 I am afraid (that)...
▶I am afraid that I am not tactful(机智的)enough to be a good diplomat.
dis·ad·van·tage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ] ................... CET4 CET6 TOEFL
名 缺点;不利
反 advantage 优点
参考句型 unless...
▶You will be put at a disadvantage unless you change your plan immediately(立即).
dis·as·ter [dɪˈzɑ:stə(r)] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 天灾,灾害
参考句型 how (what / when...)+to do...
▶We can't help asking ourselves what to do after the earthquake disaster.
dis·ci·pline [ˈdɪsəplɪn] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 纪律;训练
动 惩戒;训练
参考句型 (not)+...+enough+(...)+to do sth
▶名 The children lack discipline, and they are not old enough to understand the rules of the school.
▶动 I've disciplined myself to do two hours of exercise each day;that's enough to help keep fit.
dis·con·nect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt] ...................TOEFL
动 断绝;打断
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶We forgot to pay the bill; it is no wonder that the electricity company has disconnected our electricity.
dis·cour·age [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ] ............................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
动 阻止;妨碍
参考句型 I don't think / suppose / believe that...
▶I don't think this will discourage him from continuing to have a try.
dis·cour·age·ment [dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒmənt] .......................考研 TOEFL
名 失望,气馁
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that the failure was a great discouragement to him;he lost his heart from then on.
dis·guise [dɪsˈgaɪz].........................ET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
名 掩饰
动 乔装,假扮
参考句型 it is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...
▶名 It is a surprise that no one should recognize her when she was in the disguise of a maid.
▶动 It is a surprise that he should be disguised as a peasant(农民) this time.他这次竟假扮成了一个农民,真令人惊讶。
dis·gust [dɪsˈgʌst] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 厌恶
动 使厌恶
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶名 Didn't you see she turns away in disgust? What on earth did you say?你没看到她厌恶地别过脸去了吗?你到底说了什么?
▶动 Don't some of his ideas disgust us? I think they are so terrible.
dis·miss [dɪsˈmɪs] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 摒除;解散
参考句型 let's / let us...
▶Let us dismiss the topic and talk of something interesting(有趣的).
dis·or·der [dɪsˈɔ:də(r)] .......................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
名 无秩序
动 使混乱
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶名 It was she who discovered the room in disorder first after work.
▶动 It is anxiety that may disorder the stomach; don't you know that?
dis·pute [dɪˈspju:t] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 争论
动 争论
参考句型 let's / let us...
▶名 His honesty is beyond dispute; let's support him.
▶动 Let's dispute the decision; they hope we can give a definite answer in an hour.
dis·tinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 个别的;独特的
参考句型 isn't (don't / can't / won't...)+sb...?
▶Don't you think these two ideas are quite distinct from each other?
dis·tin·guish [dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 辨别,分辨,区分
参考句型 it+be动词+adj.+of/for sb+to+v....
▶It is hard for us to distinguish him from his brother, because they are twins.
dis·tin·guished [dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃt]..........................TOEFL GRE
形 卓越的
参考句型 it+be 动词+not long before...
▶It won't be long before you find that he is distinguished in many different spheres(领域).
dis·trib·ute [dɪˈstrɪbju:t] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
动 分配,分发
参考句型 why not...?
▶Why not distribute the lands to the peasants(农民)?
dis·tri·bu·tion [ˌdɪstrɪˈbju:ʃn] ................ CET4 CET6 TOEFL
名 分配;配给
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is obvious that they don't agree with his opinion about the distribution of income and wealth.
dis·trict [ˈdɪstrɪkt] .........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL GRE
名 区域
同 region 区域
参考句型 the+比较级, the+比较级
▶The longer you live here with your family, the more familiar you will get with the district.
dis·turb [dɪˈstɜ:b] .......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
动 使骚动,使不安
同 annoy 惹恼;打扰
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶It is quite clear that he didn't want to disturb his father at night.
di·vine [dɪˈvaɪn] ................CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
动 占卜;预言
参考句型 it is no wonder that...
▶It is no wonder that her husband dosen't believe that astrologers (占星家) are able to divine.
di·vorce [dɪˈvɔ:s] ......................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 离婚,解除婚约
动 使离婚;离婚
参考句型 it takes (sb)+一段时间+to+v. ...
▶名 It took their daughter several years to understand the true cause of their divorce.
▶动 It took my aunt a long time to decide to divorce her husband.
dom·i·nant [ˈdɒmɪnənt] ......................CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 高耸的;支配的
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you tell me why they built the castle in the dominant position above the town?
dom·i·nate [ˈdɒmɪneɪt] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE
动 支配,统治
参考句型 what do you think of / about...?
▶A great man can dominate others by force of character; what do you think about that?伟人能以人格的力量支配他人,你觉得呢?
dor·mi·to·ry/dorm [ˈdɔ:mətrɪ]/[dɔ:m] ...................... CET4 CET6 TOEFL
名 宿舍
参考句型 it takes (sb)+一段时间+to+v. ...
▶It takes me half an hour to get to my dormitory from the library.
down·load [ˈdaʊnləʊd] ...................... CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS
动 下载;往下传送
参考句型 not only...but also...
▶From the Internet, you can download not only e-books(电子书)but also movies.你不但能从互联网上下载电子书,而且还能从那上面下载电影。
doze [dəʊz] ......................考研 IELTS GRE
名 打瞌睡
动 打瞌睡
参考句型 or / otherwise...
▶名 I has a quick doze on the train, or I couldn't continue working after the journey.
▶动 Don't doze off in the middle of the class, or the teacher will get angry with you.不要在课堂上打瞌睡,否则老师会对你生气的。
draft [drɑ:ft] ..........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 草稿
动 撰写;草拟
同 sketch 草稿,草拟
参考句型 there is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶名 There is no point in going over the draft when it hasn't been finished yet.草稿还未完成时就看没多大意义。
▶动 There is no point in drafting the contract now, because they haven't agree all the terms yet.
dread [dred] .....................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 非常害怕
动 敬畏;恐怖
同 fear 恐怖
参考句型 it is obvious / clear that...
▶名 It is quite clear that most people have a dread of snakes.
▶动 It is obvious that we all dread to think what will happen next.
drift [drɪft] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
名 漂流物
动 漂移
参考句型 not both / all / every...
▶名 Not all people know that the drift of the tide is associated with the moon.
▶动 Not all people by the sea notice a tiny fishing boat drifting slowly(缓慢地)along.
drill [drɪl] ...................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
名 钻头;演习
动 钻孔
参考句型 would you like...?
▶名 We will hold a fire drill this morning. Would you like to come?
▶动 Would you like me to ask some workmen(工人)to drill in the wall?
du·ra·ble [ˈdjʊərəbl] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS
形 耐穿的;耐磨的
参考句型 it is no+名词+(in)+doing...
▶It is no use in buying bags of this material; you'd better buy some canvas(帆布)bags which are durable instead.
dust·y [ˈdʌstɪ] .................CET4 CET6 考研
形 附着灰尘的
参考句型 I wish...
▶It's windy and dusty here in spring; I wish I could move to another city next year.
DVD/dig·it·al vid·e·o disk/dig·it·al ver·sa·tile disk [ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈvɪdɪəʊdɪsk] /[ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈvɜ:sətaɪl dɪsk] .................. CET4 CET6 考研 GRE
名 数字影碟
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶Will you recommend(推荐)the best DVD player in the store?
dye [daɪ] ................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL
名 染料
动 染,着色
参考句型 will / would you (please)...?
▶名 Turmeric(姜黄)can also be used as a dye. Would you give me some?
▶动 Will you tell me why black can dye over other colors?
dy·nam·ic [daɪˈnæmɪk] ...........................CET4 CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS GRE
形 动能的;动力的;活跃的
同 energetic 有力的
参考句型 it is / was...that / who...
▶ It is the economic recession(衰退)that caused the dynamic market disappeared.由于经济衰退导致了活跃市场的消失。
dyn·as·ty [ˈdɪnəstɪ] .........................考研 IELTS
名 王朝,朝代
参考句型 no one knows that...
▶No one knows that why this dynasty disappeared suddenly a thousand years ago.