5. ...be very concerned that... ……担心……
— I am very concerned that our product is not saleable abroad.
— Although the sales are not as good currently, considering that this is the first time we have sold them in Italy, this performance is normal.
— I think we should increase the advertising.
— The manager of the financial department won't agree.
— 我很担心我们的产品在国外不畅销。
— 虽然目前销售量不太乐观,但是考虑到这是我们第一次在意大利销售,这种业绩是正常的。
— 我觉得我们应该加大宣传力度。
— 财务部经理不会同意的。
... be very concerned that...句型中的主句是主系表结构,concerned是动词concern的过去分词作形容词,该句型也可用concern的名词形式来表示,即:express concern that...
• The Greens are very concerned that they will lose the property.格林一家非常担心他们会失去财产。
• Grace is very concerned that her daughter will keep a bad habit.格蕾丝非常担心她的女儿会养成不好的习惯。
• We are very concerned that the storm will affect the crops.我们非常担心暴风雨会影响庄稼。
saleable [ˈseɪləbl] a.畅销的
normal [ˈnɔ:ml] a.正常的 n.正常
property [ˈprɒpətɪ] n.财产
habit [ˈhæbɪt] n.习惯