Ace up your sIeeve制胜法宝,锦囊妙计,王牌
I don't know how Henry is going to get his mom to buy him a bike, but I'm sure he has an ace up his sleeve.
Meaning:a surprise or secret advantage, especially something tricky that is kept hidden until needed
►Origin: Back in the 1500s most people didn't have pockets in their clothes, so they kept things hidden in their sleeves. Later on, magicians hid objects, even small live animals, up their sleeves and then pulled them out unexpectedly to surprise their audiences. In the 1800s dishonest card players secretly slipped a winning card, often an ace, up their sleeves and pulled it out to win the game when nobody was looking.
AchiIIes' heeI致命弱点(尤指人的性格中虽小但致命的缺点)
I'm an A student in math and science, but English is my Achilles' heel.
Meaning:the one weakness, fault, flaw, or vulnerable spot in one's otherwise strong character
►Origin:In The Iliad,the famous story about the Trojan War by the Greek poet Homer, Achilles was a great hero and warrior. However, he had one weak spot, the heel of one foot. When he was a baby, his mother wanted to be certain that her son could never be harmed so she dipped little Achilles upside down in the magical River Styx. Wherever the water touched his body, he became invulnerable. But since she was holding him by his heel, that part of him never got wet. Years later Achilles was killed in the Trojan War by an enemy who shot a poisoned arrow into his heel.
Action-verb Idioms行为动词习语
Most people want action-packed lives, from“splitting hairs”to a humongous“hitting of the jackpot.”Many idioms contain the names of action verbs. Some action-verb idioms in this book are:
大多数人都希望过一种“action-packed(有行为包装的,即兴奋有趣的)”生活,从“splitting hairs(对微不足道的细微差别争论不休)”到“hitting of the jackpot(中大奖,行大运,大获成功)”都有人喜欢。很多习语都包含行为动词。本书中该类习语有:
Beat around the bush旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角
Beat the band猛烈地,起劲地
Carry the ball负起责任
Climb the walls走人,离开
Drive a hard bargain杀价,迫使对方接受苛刻条件
Drive you up the wall使人发狂、紧张、烦恼等
Hit the books用功读书,准备功课
Hit the ceiling勃然大怒,大发雷霆
Hit the hay上床睡觉
Hit the jackpot中大奖,行大运,大获成功
Hit the nail right on the head语言中肯,正中要害
Hit the road上路,动身
Hit the roof勃然大怒,极其激动
Hit the spot使人满足,正合需要
Jump off the deep end感情用事,不顾后果;深陷其中,缺乏准备
Jump on the bandwagon随大流,凑热闹
Jump the gun抢跑
Kick the bucket一命呜呼,完蛋,蹬腿,见阎王
Kick up a fuss大吵大闹,起哄
Play both ends against the middle脚踏两只船;鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利
Play fast and loose玩弄,欺诈,耍滑头
Play second fiddle做二把手,做副手,居次要位置
Play the field爱情不专一,三心二意
Play with fire玩火,冒险
Pull a fast one欺骗,搞鬼
Pull no punches不放水,不手下留情
Pull out all the stops全力以赴
Pull strings幕后操纵
Pull the rug out from under you拆台,破坏计划
Pull up stakes迁移,搬家,收摊
Pull yourself together控制情绪
Raise Cain引起骚乱,闹事,吵闹
Raise the devil兴妖作怪,制造骚乱
Raise the roof大声喧闹,吵翻天
Run circles around someone大大胜过,远远超过
Saw logs打鼾
Scratch the surface流于表面,非常肤浅
Sling hash当餐馆或食堂的服务员
Strike a happy medium折中,不偏不倚
Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。
Throw a curve误导,说谎,骗人,让人摸不透
Throw a monkey wrench into the works妨碍,破坏,阻挠,干涉
Throw caution to the wind不顾一切,莽撞行事
Throw cold water on something泼冷水,使泄气
Throw in the towel认输,放弃
Throw the baby out with the bathwater将小孩连同洗澡水一起倒掉;良莠不分
Add fueI to the fire火上浇油
I was already angry with you, and when you forgot to pick me up, that really added fuel to the fire.
Meaning:to make a bad situation worse; do or say something that causes more trouble, or makes someone angrier
►Origin: Thousands of years ago the famous Roman historian Livy used this expression. If you pour water on a fire, it goes out. But if you put fuel (like coal or wood) on a fire, you make it burn hotter and brighter. If“fire”represents any kind of trouble, then anything you do to make that trouble worse is“fuel.”A similar expression is“fan the flames.”
Afraid of your own shadow胆小怕事的,草木皆兵的
My dog was afraid of its own shadow when it was a puppy, but now it barks fearlessly at the biggest dogs.
Meaning:very easily frightened, especially of small or imaginary things
►Origin: Shadows can be scary. Horror movies, for instance, are full of fearsome shadows. They sometimes make you hold your breath and jump out of your seat in terror. Umbra, the ancient Latin word for“shadow,”also means“ghost.”There are real things in this world to be fearful of, but if someone is afraid of his own shadow, then he's a very jumpy, nervous person who panics easily.
Air your dirty Iaundry in pubIic家丑外扬
My upstairs neighbors fight a lot and air their dirty laundry in public.
Meaning:to talk about your private disagreements or embarrassing matters in public, usually while quarreling
►Origin: Picture this: instead of hanging your freshly washed laundry on a clothesline, you hang your dirty clothes out there in the air for all the world to see. Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Imagine that your“dirty laundry”represents secret personal matters and that“to air”them means to discuss them out loud for any one to hear. Some people use“air your dirty linen in public.”
►语源:想象一下,你把你的脏衣服,而非洗得干干净净的衣服,都挂在晾衣绳上,所有的人都看得到。你不觉得这是很尴尬的事吗?假设你的“脏衣服”代表个人私密的事情,“拿去晒”它们也就是将这些事大声地讲给所有的人听。也有人用“air your dirty linen in public”这个短语,意思是一样的。
An aIbatross around your neck累赘,负担
Everywhere I go, my mother makes me take my bratty little sister. She's an albatross around my neck.
Meaning:a very difficult burden that you can't get rid of or a reminder of something you did that was wrong
►Origin: In 1798 the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his most famous poem,“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”In the poem a young sailor shoots a large seabird called an albatross. In those days that was considered very unlucky. Sure enough, a lot of bad things happen to the ship, and the crew blames the young sailor. They hang the dead bird around his neck.
AII ears聚精会神;洗耳恭听
You said you had something important to tell me. I'm all ears!
Meaning:eager to listen; sharply attentive; curious
►Origin: the ear is the organ by which a person hears. So, if we figuratively say that you're“all ears,”it means that at that moment you're keenly listening to whatever is being said. It's as if no other part of your body mattered except your ears. This idiom is about three centuries old.
AII that gIitters is not goId.闪光的未必都是金子。
Denis bought a bracelet that looked great online, but when she got it, she realized that all that glitters is not gold.
Meaning:Something that seems attractive and valuable at first might turn out to be worthless.
►Origin: This expression comes from the late Middle Ages (the 1400s) and teaches us that appearances can be deceiving. This famous saying appears in various forms in many other languages. The great American author O. Henry (1862—1910) wrote a short story about people fooled by what they thought would be a quick way to make lots of money. The story was called“The Gold that Glittered.”Gold miners in the old West in the mid-1800s discovered this lesson the hard way. Some spotted chunks of glittering yellowish rock and thought that it was gold, but it was only fool's gold, an almost worthless brass-colored mineral called iron pyrite. They were very disappointed, as anyone would be who was attracted by something that appeared to be beautiful or precocious but that turned out to be useless junk.
AII thumbs笨手笨脚
Marco can't build the model of the atom for the science project. He's all thumbs.
Meaning:awkward and clumsy, especially with the hands
►Origin: Human beings and apes have thumbs; most other animals don't. A thumb helps the other fingers pick things up, turn dials, and do other fine motor tasks. But what if all your finger were thumbs? You'd have a hard time picking up small objects, keyboarding a computer, doing art projects,and so on. That's why this expression means clumsy at doing physical tasks with your hands.
AnimaI Idioms
Most people love animals, from adorable kittens to humongous bulls. Many idioms contain the names of animals. Some animal idioms in this book are:人们大多都喜欢动物,从可爱的小猫到硕大的公牛都有人喜欢。许多习语都包含有动物的名称。本书中与动物相关的一些习语有:
As the crow flies成直线地;笔直地
Bats in your belfry神经不正常
Beat a dead horse做无用功;徒劳;炒冷饭
Bee in your bonnet奇怪而固执的想法;冥思苦想
Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林
Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。
Bug off滚开,走开
Bull in a china shop冒失鬼
Busy as a bee忙得不可开交
Buy a pig in a poke盲目购买;隔山买牛
Chickens come home to roost自作自受,害人不成反害己
Clam up拒不开口,闭口不言
Crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪,假慈悲
Cry wolf谎报险情,发假警报
Dark-horse candidate黑马候选人
Dead as a dodo僵死,完全过时,彻底废弃
Dead duck注定失败者,无望之人或事
Dog day of summer三伏天,酷暑期
Dog-eat-dog world互相残杀的世界
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.小鸡孵出之前先不要数;不要过早打如意算盘。
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.不要对礼物吹毛求疵。
Early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃;捷足先登;笨鸟先飞
Eat crow忍辱,屈服,丢脸,被迫认错
Fat cat大亨,阔佬
Fish out of water离水之鱼,在陌生环境下不得其所的人
For the birds毫无意义,荒唐可笑,不值得认真对待
Get your goat使某人恼怒,挫伤,嘲弄
Go to the dogs败落,大不如前
High horse趾高气扬,臭架子
Hold your horses沉住气,耐心等待,且慢,请三思
Horse of a different color完全是另一回事,风马牛不相及之事
In a pretty kettle of fish身处困境,处境很糟
Kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟,一箭双雕,一举两得
Knee-high to a grasshopper矮小,幼小
Let sleeping dogs lie别没事找事,莫惹是生非
Let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密
Lock the barn door after the horse is out事后做无用功
Mad as a wet hen心烦不安,气急败坏
Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear雕朽木为玉器,化腐朽为神奇
Monkey business欺骗,胡闹,恶作剧
Ants in your pants热锅上的蚂蚁;坐立不安
You never sit still. You must have ants in your pants.
Meaning:extreme restlessness; over activity
►Origin: We can easily imagine where this saying came from. What if you actually had ants in your pants? You'd find it difficult to settle down. You'd keep squirming to get rid of the ants. But in China, there is another saying expressing the same meaning, which is“ants in the hot pan.”
AppIe of one's eye掌上明珠;极其珍爱的人/物
Kate is the apple of my eye.
Meaning:a person or thing that is greatly loved, treasured, and adored
►Origin: This saying is used in the Bible. Ancient people thought that the pupil of the eye was solid and shaped like an apple. The pupil (“apple of the eye”) was precious because without it, you couldn't see.
As the crow flies直线距离;笔直地;最短距离
Jennifer lives only a few blocks from school as the crow flies.
Meaning:by the shortest and most direct route; measured in a straight, direct line between
►Origin: Most birds, including crows, fly to their destination in a straight, direct line. They don't zigzag or take detours. Therefore, they get where they're going by the most direct route. People can't always travel as directly as a crow flying through the air. They must walk, drive, or ride following the twist and turns. Measuring distances“as the crow flies”is often unrealistic because five miles between two points in a straight line might be ten miles of twists and turns, hills and obstacles.
AsIeep at the switch玩忽职守;错失良机
Tootsie lost her job because she was asleep at the switch.
Meaning:not attending to one's job or failing to react quickly; not being alert
►Origin: This saying comes from the early days of the railroad (the mid-1800s). One of a trainman's most important duties was to switch a train from one track to another at exactly the right moment. If he fell asleep at the switch, the train might go off the tracks or crash. Today the meaning has been extended to anyone who isn't paying attention and fails to do a job at the right time.
At the drop of a hat立即;马上;毫不迟疑
Lou would have gone to the football game at the drop of a hat.
Meaning:right away; at once; without delay; willing at any moment
►Origin: There are many ways to start a race or other sporting event:shooting a gun, waving a flag, yelling“ready, set, go!”and so on. Years ago someone would drop a hat as the starting signal, and the contest would begin immediately. Today if anyone does anything (not just something athletic) eagerly and on the spur of the moment, we say it's done“at the drop of a hat.”
At the end of your rope山穷水尽;智穷力竭
I've tried everything, but nothing's worked. I'm at the end of my rope.
Meaning:at the limit of your ability, endurance, or patience to do something
►Origin: Imagine that you're trying to use a rope to climb a mountain or a tree. You're at the end of your rope, and you can't achieve what you set out to do. Now just think of this expression in terms of any goal you are trying to accomplish, with or without an actual rope. You've run out of strength, power, or ideas on how to do more. Another possible origin of this saying is the fact that some farm animals are tied to a rope that will allow them to feed in a limited area, but not beyond.
Ax to grind居心叵测;自私企图
Crystal always flatters me, but I think she has an ax to grind.
Meaning:something to gain for yourself for a selfish reason; flattery or trickery used to get a favor from another person
►Origin: In the early 1800s a man wrote a story in a newspaper about how, when he was a boy, a man used flattery to trick him into sharpening the man's ax. The boy turned the heavy grindstone while the man held his ax against it because the man said the boy was a great ax grinder, smart and strong. The man didn't pay the boy or even thank him. Instead he scolded him for wasting time and being late for school. After that, people started using the expression“(have an) ax to grind”when they meant that anyone was seeking a particular goal solely for himself by flattering or tricking another person. Sometimes people say that they don't have an ax to grind to show that they are honest and aren't trying to trick you into doing anything for them.