第4章 向现代时期的过渡
4.1 复习笔记
Ⅰ. Transition to the Modern Age (1455—1485)
Ⅱ.The English Reformation
Ⅲ.Elizabeth Ⅰ (1558—1603)
1. Elizabeth and Parliament
2. Elizabeth’s Religious Reform
3. Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy
Ⅳ. The English Renaissance
Ⅴ. James Ⅰ (1603—1625) and the Parliament
Ⅵ. Charles Ⅰ (1625—1649) and the Parliament
Ⅶ.The Civil Wars
Ⅷ.The Commonwealth (1649—1660)
Ⅸ. The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688
Ⅰ. Transition to the Modern Age (1455—1485)
1. The name Wars of the Roses as a series of wars between House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. After the war, the great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. The king’s power now became supreme.
2. Henry Tudor became Henry Ⅶ (1485—1509). He gave England very firm rule.
Ⅱ.The English Reformation
1. Henry Ⅷ was responsible for the religious reform of the Church. The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the Papacy.
2. Real religious change came in Henry Ⅷ’s son Edward’s time. Mary Tudor was called “Bloody Mary”. At least 300 Protestants were burnt as heretics. Protestantism and nationalism were now forever synonymous.
Ⅲ.Elizabeth Ⅰ (1558—1603)
1. Elizabeth and Parliament
Elizabeth was able to work with Parliament. But her relationship with Parliament was often turbulent.
2. Elizabeth’s Religious Reform
Elizabeth broke Mary’s ties with Rome and restored Church of England. Elizabeth Ⅰ spent nearly 20 years resisting Catholic attempts to either dethrone or assassinate her.
3. Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy
For nearly 30 years Elizabeth successfully dealt with the relationship with France and Spain, and prevented England from getting involved in any major European conflict.
Ⅲ.伊丽莎白一世 (1558—1603)
Ⅳ. The English Renaissance
1. Renaissance was the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European history. The Renaissance began in Italy in the early 14th century.
2. The English Renaissance was largely literary, and achieved its finest expression in Elizabethan drama. Its finest exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.
Ⅴ. James Ⅰ (1603—1625) and the Parliament
James I, a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings, would have preferred no Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years.
Ⅵ. Charles Ⅰ (1625—1649) and the Parliament
Charles I’s relations with the Parliament were disastrous. Charles, being still in want of money, called his Fifth Parliament. Then a whole series of measures were introduced by the Long Parliament limiting the authority of the Crown while increasing its own. The conflict was inevitable and the civil war broke out.
Ⅶ.The Civil Wars
The First Civil War began in 1642. Induced by Charles, the Scots invaded England, but were defeated by Cromwell (1648). This was the beginning of the Second Civil War. Charles was beheaded in 1649 and Oliver Cromwell became the most powerful man in England.
Ⅷ.The Commonwealth (1649—1660)
1. After King Charles’s execution in 1649, Young Charles escaped to France. The Second Civil War was over.
2. Oliver Cromwell declared England a Commonwealth. He became Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England.
Ⅷ.共和国 (1649—1660)
1. 1649年查尔斯死后,他的儿子流亡法国。第二次内战结束。
Ⅸ. The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688
1. After Oliver Cromwell died, Richard succeeded the crown. George Monck occupied London. The Parliament in 1660 resolved the crisis by asking the late King’s son to return as King Charles Ⅱ (1660—1685). The Restoration was relatively smooth.
2. After Charles Ⅱ died, James Ⅱ succeeded the crown. He was a Catholic, and hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious views.
3. The English politicians rejected James Ⅱ and invited Mary and her husband William to take the English throne in 1688. This became known as the Glorious Revolution. Thus the age of constitutional monarchy, of a monarchy with powers limited by Parliament, began.
4. In 1702, Mary’s sister, Anne, came to the throne. It was during Anne’s reign that the name Great Britain came into being when, in 1707, the Act of Union united England and Scotland.
4. 1702年,玛丽的妹妹安妮继位。在安妮统治期间,1707年《联合法案》统一了英格兰和苏格兰,大不列颠正式成立。