Potential answer 2: You don't believe the evidence
Can you complete these statements?
• It's not personal; it's just __________.
• The purpose of business is to _________.
• Leaders are in a position of _________.
• The only thing that really matters is ________.
• If you cannot measure it, it ________.
These beliefs are so embedded in our collective psyche that you probably don't even need to check your answers. (But if you are curious, you can take a peek at chapter 6, which is dedicated to exploring these beliefs.) Just because these statements represent common beliefs doesn't mean they are legitimate. I encourage you to consider that holding on to these beliefs may undermine your ability to effectively investigate alternatives, change your methods of motivation, and embrace new ways of leading. Chapter 6, “Rethinking Five Beliefs That Erode Workplace Motivation” challenges you to reconsider your own beliefs about motivation, where they come from, and if they still serve you, your people, and your outcomes.
Through the exploration of evidence and alternative approaches to motivation, I hope you will come to appreciate how your basic beliefs may be undermining your leadership intentions. For example, your belief in driving for results may be creating the psychological distress, tension, and pressure that makes it less likely you'll get the quality short-term results or sustainable long-term outcomes that you—and those you lead—are seeking.