第三章 合同的效力
Chapter Ⅲ Validity of the Contract
第四十四条 依法成立的合同,自成立时生效。
Article 44 Acontract legally executed shall become effective upon execution.
Where a contract may become effective only after the completion of approval and registration procedure according to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall govern.
第四十五条 当事人对合同的效力可以约定附条件。附生效条件的合同,自条件成就时生效。附解除条件的合同,自条件成就时失效。
Article 45 The parties may agree to attach conditions on the validity of the contract. A contract with collateral conditions on its entry into effect shall become effective upon the fulfillment of the conditions. A contract with collateral conditions on its dissolution shall lose its validity upon the fulfillment of the conditions.
Where either party, for the sake of its own interests, unjustifiably prevents the fulfillment of the aforesaid conditions, the conditions shall be deemed as fulfilled; where either party unjustifiably hastens the fulfillment of the conditions, the conditions shall be deemed as not fulfilled.
第四十六条 当事人对合同的效力可以约定附期限。附生效期限的合同,自期限届至时生效。附终止期限的合同,自期限届满时失效。
Article 46 The parties may agree to attach a time limit for the entry into effect of a contract. A contract with an attached time limit for its entry into effect shall become effective upon expiry of the time limit. A contract attached with a time limit for its termination shall lose its effect upon expiry of the time limit.
第四十七条 限制民事行为能力人订立的合同,经法定代理人追认后,该合同有效,但纯获利益的合同或者与其年龄、智力、精神健康状况相适应而订立的合同,不必经法定代理人追认。
Article 47 A contract entered into by a person with limited civil capacity may become valid only after ratification by his legal agent. However, a contract of such kind which is purely profit-making or the making of which is compatible to the age, intelligence and mental health of the person concerned needs no ratification by his legal agent.
The counterpart may urge the legal agent to give ratification within one month. Where the legal agent does not respond, the non-response shall be deemed a refusal of ratification. Pending the ratification, the bona fide counterpart has the right to rescind. The rescission shall be made by a notice.
第四十八条 行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人名义订立的合同,未经被代理人追认,对被代理人不发生效力,由行为人承担责任。
Article 48 A contract that is entered into by an actor without the right of agency, in excess of the right of agency or beyond the expiration of the right of agency, in the name of a principal and without ratification by the principal, shall have no binding force on the principal, and the actor shall bear the responsibility therefor.
The counterpart may urge the principal to give ratification of the contract within one month. Where the principal does not respond, the non-response shall be deemed a refusal of ratification. Pending the ratification, the bona fide counterpart has the right to rescind. The rescission shall be made by a notice.
第四十九条 行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人名义订立合同,相对人有理由相信行为人有代理权的,该代理行为有效。
Article 49 Where an actor enters, without the right of agency, in excess of the right of agency or beyond the expiration of the right of agency, into a contract in the name of a principal, and where the counterpart has grounds to believe that the actor has the right of agency, the act of agency shall be deemed as effective.
第五十条 法人或者其他组织的法定代表人、负责人超越权限订立的合同,除相对人知道或者应当知道其超越权限的以外,该代表行为有效。
Article 50 Where a legal person, or the legal representative or the person in charge of an organization exceeds the limits of power in making a contract, the act of representation shall be effective unless the counterpart is aware or ought to be aware of the excess of the limit of power.
第五十一条 无处分权的人处分他人财产,经权利人追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效。
Article 51 Where a person without the right of disposal disposes of another's property, upon ratification by the obligee or if the person without the right of disposal obtains the right of disposal after making the contract, the contract shall be effective.
第五十二条 有下列情形之一的,合同无效:
Article 52 A contract is invalid under any of the following circumstances:
(1)either party enters into the contract by means of fraud or coercion and impairs the State's interests;
(2)there is malicious conspiracy causing damage to the interests of the State, of the collective or of a third party;
(3)there is an attempt to conceal illegal goals under the disguise of legitimate forms;
(4)harm is done to social and public interests; or
(5)mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations are violated.
第五十三条 合同中的下列免责条款无效:
Article 53 The following clauses on liability exemption in a contract shall be invalid:
(1)those causing physical injury to the other party; or
(2)those causing losses to property to the other party by intention or due to gross negligence.
第五十四条 下列合同,当事人一方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者撤销:
Article 54 Either party has the right to request a people's court or an arbitration institution to alter or rescind any of the following contracts:
(1)any contract which is made under substantial misunderstanding; or
(2)any contract the making of which lacks fairness.
Where a party makes the other party enter into a contract against its true will by means of deceit, coercion or taking advantage of its difficulties, the injured party has the right to request a people's court or an arbitration institution to alter or rescind the contract.
Where the request of the party is an alteration to the contract, the people's court or arbitration institution shall not rescind it.
第五十五条 有下列情形之一的,撤销权消灭:
Article 55 The right to rescind shall vanish where:
(1)the party with the right to rescind has not exercised it within a year from the date on which it was aware or ought to be aware of the matter for the rescission; or
(2)the party with the right to rescind waivers its right by express indication or by its own act after it was aware of the matter for the rescission.
第五十六条 无效的合同或者被撤销的合同自始没有法律约束力。合同部分无效,不影响其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效。
Article 56 An invalid or rescinded contract does not have legal binding force from the outset. If a part of a contract becomes invalid without affecting the validity of the other parts, the other parts remain valid.
第五十七条 合同无效、被撤销或者终止的,不影响合同中独立存在的有关解决争议方法的条款的效力。
Article 57 If a contract becomes invalid, or is rescinded or terminated, the validity of its independently existing clauses pertaining to the settlement of disputes shall not be affected.
第五十八条 合同无效或者被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔偿对方因此所受到的损失,双方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任。
Article 58 After a contract becomes invalid or is rescinded, any property obtained under the contract shall be returned. If it is impossible or unnecessary to return the property, compensation shall be made at an estimated price. The party at fault shall compensate the other party for the loss caused by the fault. If both parties have faults, they shall bear their respective responsibilities.
第五十九条 当事人恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的,因此取得的财产收归国家所有或者返还集体、第三人。
Article 59 If the parties impair by malicious conspiracy the interests of the State, of the collective or of a third party, the property they have thus obtained shall be returned to the State, the collective or the third party.