第二章 车辆和驾驶人
Chapter Ⅱ Vehicles and Drivers
第一节 机动车、非机动车
Section 1 Motor Vehicles and Non-motor vehicles
第八条 国家对机动车实行登记制度。机动车经公安机关交通管理部门登记后,方可上道路行驶。尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶的,应当取得临时通行牌证。
Article 8 The State practises a registration system for motor vehicles. A motor vehicle shall be driven on roads only after it is registered with the traffic control department of a public security organ. Where a motor vehicle is not yet registered but needs to be driven on roads temporarily, a temporary pass shall be obtained.
第九条 申请机动车登记,应当提交以下证明、凭证:
Article 9 The following certificates and vouchers shall be submitted for application for the registration of a motor vehicle:
(1) certificate of identification of the owner of the vehicle;
(2) certificate of the manner in which the vehicle is obtained;
(3) certificate of outgoing quality for the whole vehicle or certificate of import license for the vehicle imported;
(4) payment receipt of vehicle purchase tax or duty free certificate; and
(5) other certificates or vouchers to be submitted as required by the provisions of laws and administrative regulations for registration of motor vehicles.
The traffic control department of a public security organ shall finish the examination for registration of a motor vehicle within five working days from the date it receives the application and shall, if the conditions provided for in the preceding paragraph are met, issue the registration certificate, number plate and license for the vehicle;and if the said conditions are not met, the department shall explain the reasons why the vehicle is not to be registered.
Units and individuals, other than the traffic control departments of the public security organs, shall not issue number plates for motor vehicles or require that other plates are used, except where otherwise provided for by this Law.
The registration certificate, number plate and license for motor vehicles shall be designed and made under the supervision of the department for public security under the State Council.
第十条 准予登记的机动车应当符合机动车国家安全技术标准。申请机动车登记时,应当接受对该机动车的安全技术检验。但是,经国家机动车产品主管部门依据机动车国家安全技术标准认定的企业生产的机动车型,该车型的新车在出厂时经检验符合机动车国家安全技术标准,获得检验合格证的,免予安全技术检验。
Article 10 Motor vehicles permitted for registration shall conform to the State safety and technical standards for them. A motor vehicle for the registration of which an application is submitted shall undergo safety and technical inspection. However, with respect to those models of motor vehicles which are manufactured by enterprises confirmed, in accordance with the State safety and technical standards for motor vehicles, by the government department in charge of the products of motor vehicles, if the new vehicles of such models meet the said standards upon inspection conducted before they leave the plant and the certificates of inspection of quality are granted, they shall be exempted from safety and technical inspection.
第十一条 驾驶机动车上道路行驶,应当悬挂机动车号牌,放置检验合格标志、保险标志,并随车携带机动车行驶证。
Article 11 A motor vehicle running on roads shall be hung with its number plate and stuck with the inspection certificate and the insurance label, accompanied by the motor vehicle license.
Number plates shall be hung in accordance with relevant regulations, kept clear and intact; and they shall not purposely be covered, stained or damaged.
No units or individuals shall confiscate or distrain the number plates of motor vehicles.
第十二条 有下列情形之一的,应当办理相应的登记:
Article 12 Registration shall be needed in one of the following circumstances:
(1) When ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred;
(2) When alterations are made in the registration of a motor vehicle;
(3) When a motor vehicle is mortgaged; and
(4) When a motor vehicle is scrapped.
第十三条 对登记后上道路行驶的机动车,应当依照法律、行政法规的规定,根据车辆用途、载客载货数量、使用年限等不同情况,定期进行安全技术检验。对提供机动车行驶证和机动车第三者责任强制保险单的,机动车安全技术检验机构应当予以检验,任何单位不得附加其他条件。对符合机动车国家安全技术标准的,公安机关交通管理部门应当发给检验合格标志。
Article 13 Once a motor vehicle runs on roads for the first time after registration, it shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, undergo regular safety and technical inspection, in terms of its designed purpose of use, quantity of passengers and goods, service life, etc. Where the motor vehicle license and the certificate of the compulsory third party liability insurance on the vehicle are provided, the authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall inspect the vehicle; and no units shall add other conditions. If the vehicle conforms to the State safety and technical standards, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall issue the sticker of the inspection certificate.
The safety and technical inspection of motor vehicles shall be socialized. Specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the State Council.
In places where motor vehicle safety and technical inspection is socialized, no units shall require that motor vehicles are inspected at designated places.
Traffic control departments of the public security organs and the authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall not require that motor vehicles are maintained or serviced at designated places.
The authority for motor vehicle safety and technical inspection shall collect fees for such inspection strictly in accordance with the rates approved by the department for pricing under the State Council.
第十四条 国家实行机动车强制报废制度,根据机动车的安全技术状况和不同用途,规定不同的报废标准。
Article 14 The State practises the compulsory system for scrapping motor vehicles, under which different criteria for scrapping the vehicles shall be established on the basis of the safety and technical conditions and the different purposes of use of the motor vehicles.
Registration of the motor vehicles shall be cancelled as soon as they are scrapped.
Motor vehicles that reach the criteria for scrapping shall not run on roads. The large passenger cars, trucks and other commercial vehicles that are scrapped shall be disintegrated under the supervision of the traffic control departments of the public security organs.
第十五条 警车、消防车、救护车、工程救险车应当按照规定喷涂标志图案,安装警报器、标志灯具。其他机动车不得喷涂、安装、使用上述车辆专用的或者与其相类似的标志图案、警报器或者标志灯具。
Article 15 Different signs for police vans, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, be sprayed or painted on them, and these vehicles shall be installed with alarm sirens and signal lights. No signs specially for the vehicles mentioned above or anything similar to such signs shall be sprayed or painted on other motor vehicles, and no alarm sirens or signal lights specially for the said vehicles or anything similar to such sirens or lights shall be installed on them or used.
Police vans, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles shall be used strictly in accordance with their specified purposes of use and conditions.
The vehicles specially used for highway supervision and inspection shall be equipped with unified signs and warning lights in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law.
第十六条 任何单位或者个人不得有下列行为:
Article 16 No units or individuals shall do the following:
(1)assembling motor vehicles or altering the registered composition, structure or features of motor vehicles without authorization;
(2) changing the models of motor vehicles, their engine number, chassis number or the identification code of the vehicles;
(3) falsifying or counterfeiting or using falsified or counterfeited certificates of registration, number plates, licenses, stickers of the inspection certificates or insurance labels of motor vehicles; or
(4) using the certificates of registration, number plates, licenses, stickers of the inspection certificates or insurance labels of other motor vehicles.
第十七条 国家实行机动车第三者责任强制保险制度,设立道路交通事故社会救助基金。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 17 The State practises the system of the compulsory third party liability insurance for motor vehicles and establishes the social relief fund for road traffic accidents. Specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the State Council.
第十八条 依法应当登记的非机动车,经公安机关交通管理部门登记后,方可上道路行驶。
Article 18 Non-motor vehicles required for registration according to law shall run on roads only after they are registered with the traffic control departments of the public security organs.
The types of non-motor vehicles required for registration according to law shall be specified by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government in light of the actual local conditions.
The external size, quality, brake, handle-bar bell and night reflectors of a non-motor vehicle shall be in conformity with the safety and technical standards for non-motor vehicles.
第二节 机动车驾驶人
Section 2 Drivers of Motor Vehicles
第十九条 驾驶机动车,应当依法取得机动车驾驶证。
Article 19 To drive a motor vehicle, one shall obtain a motor vehicle driver's license according to law.
An applicant for motor vehicle driver's license shall meet the requirements for driver's license specified by the department for public security under the State Council; and after passing the examination, the applicant shall be issued by the traffic control department of the public security organ with the driver's license commensurate with the type of the motor vehicle.
A person holding a motor vehicle driver's license of another country who meets the requirements for driver's license specified by the department for public security under the State Council and passes the examination by the traffic control department of the public security organ shall be issued with a Chinese motor vehicle driver's license.
The driver shall drive the approved type of motor vehicle clearly stated in the driver's license; and when driving a motor vehicle, he shall keep the driver's license handy.
No units or individuals, except the traffic control departments of the public security organs, shall confiscate or suspend motor vehicle driver's licenses.
第二十条 机动车的驾驶培训实行社会化,由交通主管部门对驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班实行资格管理,其中专门的拖拉机驾驶培训学校、驾驶培训班由农业(农业机械)主管部门实行资格管理。
Article 20 Training of motor vehicle drivers shall be socialized. The competent traffic control department shall exercise control of the qualifications of the drivers training schools and classes, among which the qualifications of the ones specially for training tractor drivers shall be under the control of the department of agriculture (agricultural machinery).
Drivers training schools and classes shall, strictly in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, provide their trainees with the training in laws and regulations on road traffic safety and in driving skills, and ensure the quality of training.
No State organs or departments in charge of training or examination of drivers shall sponsor or participate in sponsoring drivers training schools or classes.
第二十一条 驾驶人驾驶机动车上道路行驶前,应当对机动车的安全技术性能进行认真检查;不得驾驶安全设施不全或者机件不符合技术标准等具有安全隐患的机动车。
Article 21 Before driving a motor vehicle on roads, the driver shall carefully check the safety and technical performance of the motor vehicle; and he shall not drive a motor vehicle with hidden troubles endangering safety, e.g., the safety facilities are incomplete or the parts are not in conformity with the safety and technical standards.
第二十二条 机动车驾驶人应当遵守道路交通安全法律、法规的规定,按照操作规范安全驾驶、文明驾驶。
Article 22 A motor vehicle driver shall observe the provisions of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and, in accordance with the operating instructions, drive the vehicle safely and civilly.
A person who drinks alcohol, or takes psychotropic substances or narcotic drugs which are under State control, or suffers from diseases that prevent him from driving a motor vehicle safely, or cannot drive safely due to over-fatigue shall not drive a motor vehicle.
No one shall force or instigate a driver to drive a motor vehicle in violation of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety or of the requirements for safe driving of motor vehicles, or connive at such violations.
第二十三条 公安机关交通管理部门依照法律、行政法规的规定,定期对机动车驾驶证实施审验。
Article 23 Traffic control departments of the public security organs shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, regularly examine and check motor vehicle driver's licenses.
第二十四条 公安机关交通管理部门对机动车驾驶人违反道路交通安全法律、法规的行为,除依法给予行政处罚外,实行累积记分制度。公安机关交通管理部门对累积记分达到规定分值的机动车驾驶人,扣留机动车驾驶证,对其进行道路交通安全法律、法规教育,重新考试;考试合格的,发还其机动车驾驶证。
Article 24 With respect to the violations of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety committed by motor vehicle drivers, traffic control departments of the public security organs shall practise the system of cumulative recording of points, in addition to imposition of administrative punishment on the said drivers according to law. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall suspend the motor vehicle driver's license of the driver whose accumulated number of the points recorded reaches the specified total, give him instructions in the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and have him take an examination again; and if the driver passes the examination, the driver's license shall be returned to him.
With respect to the motor vehicle drivers who observe the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and have no cumulative points recorded for the year, the specified time for examining and checking their driver's licenses may be extended. The specific measures in this regard shall be formulated by the department for public security under the State Council.