第10章 婚后生活(1)
With my marriage there began for me a new existence entirely different from the solitary life that I had known during the preceding years.My husband and I were so closely united by our affection and our common work that we passed nearly all of our time together.I have only a few letters from him,for we were so little apart.My husband spent all the time he could spare from his teaching at his research work in the laboratory of the school in which he was professor and I obtained authorization to work with him.
Our living apartment was near the school,so we lost little time in going and coming.As our material resources were limited,I was obliged to attend to most of the housekeeping myself,particularly the preparation of meals.It was not easy to reconcile these household duties with my scientific work,yet,with good will,I managed it.The great thing was that we were alone together in the little home which gave us a peace and intimacy that were very enjoyable for us.
At the same time that I was working in the laboratory,I still had to take a few study courses,for I had decided to take part in the examination for a certificate that would allow me to teach young girls.If I succeeded in this,I would be entitled to be named professor.In August,1896,after having devoted several months to preparation,I came out first in the examination.
Our principal distraction from the close work of the laboratory consisted in walks or bicycle rides in the country.My husband greatly enjoyed the out-of-doors and took great interest in the plants and animals of woods and meadows.Hardly a corner in the vicinity of Paris was unknown to him.I also loved the country and these excursions were a great joy for me as well as to him,relieving our mind from the tension of the scientific work.We used to bring home bunches of flowers.Sometimes we forgot all about the time and got back late at night.We visited regularly my husband's parents where our room was always ready.In the vacation we went on longer outings by means of our bicycles.In this way we covered much ground in Auvergne and in the Cevennes and visited several regions at the seashore.We took a great delight in these long all-day excursions,arriving at night always in a new place.If we stayed in one place too long,my husband began to wish to get back to the laboratory.It is also in vacation time that we visited once my family in the Carpathian mountains.My husband learned some Polish in view of this journey to Poland.
But first of all in our life was our scientific work.My husband gave much care to the preparation of his courses,and I gave him some assistance in this,which,at the time,helped me in my education.However,most of our time was devoted to our laboratory researches.
My husband did not then have a private laboratory.He could,to some extent,use the laboratory of the school for his own work,but found more freedom by installing himself in some unused corner of the Physics School building.I thus learned from his example that one could work happily even in very insufficient quarters.At this time my husband was occupied with researches on crystals,while I undertook an investigation of the magnetic properties of steel.This work was completed and published in 1897.
In that same year the birth of our first daughter brought a great change in our life.A few weeks later my husband's mother died and his father came to live with us.We took a small house with a garden at the border of Paris and continued to occupy this house as long as my husband lived.
It became a serious problem how to take care of our little Irene and of our home without giving up my scientific work.Such a renunciation would have been very painful to me,and my husband would not even think of it;he used to say that he had got a wife made expressly for him to share all his preoccupations.Neither of us would contemplate abandoning what was so precious to both.
Of course we had to have a servant,but I personally saw to all the details of the child's care.While I was in the laboratory,she was in the care of her grandfather,who loved her tenderly and whose own life was made brighter by her.So the close union of our family enabled me to meet my obligations.Things were particularly difficult only in case of more exceptional events,such as a child's illness,when sleepless nights interrupted the normal course of life.