The gardens were planted with trees, brought at great expense from India and Persia.They were watered by a running brook, and colonnades in ruins, and imitation rocks, arranged by a skilful artist, were reflected in a lake, which also mirrored the statues that stood round it.In the middle of the garden was the Grotto of Nymphs, which owed its name to three life-size figures of women, which stood on the threshold.They were represented as divesting themselves of their garments, and about to bathe.They anxiously turned their heads, fearing to be seen, and looked as though they were alive.The only light which entered the building came, tempered and iridescent, through thin sheets of water.All the walls were hung--as in the sacred grottoes--with wreaths, garlands, and votive pictures, in which the beauty of Thais was celebrated.There were also tragic and comic masks, bright with colours; and paintings representing theatrical scenes or grotesque figures, or fabulous animals.On a stele in the centre stood a little ivory Eros of wonderful antique workmanship.It was a gift from Nicias.In one of the bays was a figure of a goat in black marble, with shining agate eyes.Six alabaster kids crowded round its teats; but, raising its cloven hoofs and its ugly head, it seemed impatient to climb the rocks.The floor was covered with Byzantine carpets, pillows embroidered by the yellow men of Cathay, and the skins of Libyan lions.Perfumed smoke arose from golden censers.Flowering plants grew in large onyx vases.And at the far end, in the purple shadow, gleamed the gold nails on the shell of a huge Indian tortoise turned upside down, which served as the bed of the actress.It was here that every day, to the murmur of the water, and amid perfumes and flowers, Thais reclined softly, and conversed with her friends, while awaiting the hour of supper, or meditated in solitude on theatrical art, or on the flight of years.
On the afternoon after the games, Thais was reposing in the Grotto of Nymphs.She had noticed in her mirror the first signs of the decay of her beauty, and she was frightened to think that white hair and wrinkles would at last come.She vainly tried to comfort herself with the assurance that she could recover her fresh complexion by burning certain herbs and pronouncing a few magic words.A pitiless voice cried, "You will grow old Thais; you will grow old." And a cold sweat of terror bedewed her forehead.Then, on looking at herself again in the mirror with infinite tenderness, she found that she was still beautiful and worthy to be loved.She smiled to herself, and murmured, "There is not a woman in Alexandria who can rival me in suppleness or grace or movement, or in splendour of arms, and the arms, my mirror, are the real chains of love!"While she was thus thinking she saw an unknown man--thin, with burning eyes and unkempt beard, and clad in a richly embroidered robe--standing before her.She let fall her mirror, and uttered a cry of fright.
Paphnutius stood motionless, and seeing how beautiful she was, he murmured this prayer from the bottom of his heart--"Grant, my God, that the face of this woman may not be a temptation, but may prove salutary to Thy servant."Then, forcing himself to speak, he said--"Thais, I live in a far country, and the fame of thy beauty has led me to thee.It is said that thou art the most clever of actresses and the most irresistible of women.That which is related of thy riches and thy love affairs seems fabulous, and calls to mind the old story of Rhodope, whose marvellous history is known by heart to all the boatmen on the Nile.Therefore I was seized with a desire to know thee, and Isee that the truth surpasses the rumour.Thou art a thousand times more clever and more beautiful than is reported.And now that I see thee, I say to myself, 'It is impossible to approach her without staggering like a drunken man.' "The words were feigned; but the monk, animated by pious zeal, uttered them with real warmth.Thais gazed, without displeasure, at this strange being who had frightened her.The rough, wild aspect, and the fiery glances of his eyes, astonished her.She was curious to learn the state of life of a man so different from all others she had met.
She replied, with gentle raillery--
"You seem prompt to admire, stranger.Beware that my looks do not consume you to the bones! Beware of loving me!"He said--
"I love thee, O Thais! I love thee more than my life, and more than myself.For thee I have quitted the desert; for thee my lips--vowed to silence--have pronounced profane words; for thee I have seen what Iought not to have seen, and heard what it was forbidden to me to hear;for thee my soul is troubled, my heart is open, and the thoughts gush out like the running springs at which the pigeons drink; for thee Ihave walked day and night across sandy deserts teeming with reptiles and vampires; for thee I have placed my bare foot on vipers and scorpions! Yes, I love thee! I love thee, but not like those men who, burning with the lusts of the flesh, come to thee like devouring wolves or furious bulls.Thou art dear to them as is the gazelle to the lion.Their ravening lusts will consume thee to the soul, O woman!
I love thee in spirit and in truth; I love thee in God, and for ever and ever; that which is in my breast is named true zeal and divine charity.I promise thee better things than drunkenness crowned with flowers or the dreams of a brief night.I promise thee holy feasts and celestial suppers.The happiness that I bring thee will never end; it is unheard-of, it is ineffable, and such that if the happy of this world could only see a shadow of it they would die of wonder."Thais laughed mischievously.