第46章 SCENE I.
Valentine's lodging.
SCAN. Well, is your master ready? does he look madly and talk madly?
JERE. Yes, sir; you need make no great doubt of that. He that was so near turning poet yesterday morning can't be much to seek in playing the madman to-day.
SCAN. Would he have Angelica acquainted with the reason of his design?
JERE. No, sir, not yet. He has a mind to try whether his playing the madman won't make her play the fool, and fall in love with him; or at least own that she has loved him all this while and concealed it.
SCAN. I saw her take coach just now with her maid, and think I heard her bid the coachman drive hither.
JERE. Like enough, sir, for I told her maid this morning, my master was run stark mad only for love of her mistress.--I hear a coach stop; if it should be she, sir, I believe he would not see her, till he hears how she takes it.
SCAN. Well, I'll try her: --'tis she--here she comes.