
第1127章 CHAPTER XXII(67)
FN 773 Dohna, who knew Monmouth well, describes him thus: "Il avoit de l'esprit infiniment, et meme du plus agreable; mais il y avoir un peu trop de haut et de bas dans son fait. Il ne savoit ce que c'etoit que de menager les gens; et il turlupinoit a l'outrance ceux qui ne lui plaisoient pas."FN 774 L'Hermitage, Jan. 12/22 1697.
FN 775 Lords' Journals, Jan. 9. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury, of the same date; L'Hermitage, Jan. 12/22.
FN 776 Lords' Journals, Jan. 15. 1691; Vernon to Shrewsbury, of the same date; L'Hermitage, of the same date.
FN 777 Postman, Dec. 29. 31. 1696.
FN 778 L'Hermitage, Jan. 12/22. 1697.
FN 779 Van Cleverskirke, Jan. 12/22. 1697; L'Hermitage, Jan.
FN 780 L'Hermitage, Jan. 15/25. 1697.
FN 781 Lords' Journals, Jan. 22. 26. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Jan. 26.
FN 782 Commons' Journals, Jan. 27. 169. The entry in the journals, which might easily escape notice, is explained by a letter of L'Hermitage, written Jan 29/Feb 8FN 783 L'Hermitage, Jan 29/Feb 8; 1697; London Gazette, Feb. 1.;Paris Gazette; Vernon to Shrewsbury; Jan. 28.; Burnet, ii. 193.
FN 784 Commons' Journals, December 19. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Nov. 28. 1696.
FN 785 Lords' Journals, Jan. 23. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Jan. 23.; L'Hermitage, Jan 26/Feb 5.
FN 786 Commons' Journals, Jan. 26. 1696/7; Vernon to Shrewsbury and Van Cleverskirke to the States General of the same date. It is curious that the King and the Lords should have made so strenuous a fight against the Commons in defence of one of the five points of the Peoples Charter.
FN 787 Commons' Journals, April1. 3. 1697; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; L'Hermitage, April 2/12 As L'Hermitage says, "La plupart des membres, lorsqu'ils sont a la campagne, estant bien aises d'estre informez par plus d'un endroit de ce qui se passe, et s'imaginant que la Gazette qui se fait sous la direction d'un des Secretaires d'Etat, ne contiendroit pas autant de choses que fait celle-cy, ne sont pas fichez que d'autres les instruisent." The numbers on the division I take from L'Hermitage. They are not to be found in the Journals. But the Journals were not then so accurately kept as at present.
FN 788 Narcissus Luttrell's Diary, June 1691, May 1693.
FN 789 Commons' Journals, Dec 30. 1696; Postman, July 4. 1696.
FN 790 Postman April 22. 1696; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary.
FN 791 London Gazette, April 26. 29. 1697, FN 792 London Gazette, April 29. 1697; L'Hermitage, April 23/May 3FN 793 London Gazette, April 26. 29 1697 L'Hermitage, April 23/May 3FN 794 What the opinion of the public was we learn from a letter written by L'Hermitage immediately after Godolphin's resignation, Nov 3/13. 1696, "Le public tourne plus la veue sur le Sieur Montegu, qui a la seconde charge de la Tresorerie que sur aucun autre." The strange silence of the London Gazette is explained by a letter of Vernon to Shrewsbury, dated May 1. 1697.
FN 795 London Gazette, April 22. 26: 1697.
FN 796 Postman, Jan. 26; Mar. 7. 11. 1696/7; April 8. 1697.
FN 797 Ibid. Oct. 29. 1696.
FN 798 Howell's State Trials; Postman, Jan. 9/19 1696/7.
FN 799 See the Protocol of February 10 1697, in the Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1707.
FN 800 William to Heinsius, Dec. 11/21 1696. There are similar expressions in other letters written by the King about the same time.
FN 801 See the papers drawn up at Vienna, and dated Sept. 16.
1696, and March 14 1697. See also the protocol drawn up at the Hague, March 14. 1697. These documents will be found in the Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1707.
FN 802 Characters of all the three French ministers are given by Saint Simon.
FN 803 Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick.
FN 804 An engraving and ground plan of the mansion will be found in the Actes et Memoires.
FN 805 Whoever wishes to be fully informed as to the idle controversies and mummeries in which the Congress wasted its time, may consult the Actes et Memoires.
FN 806 Saint Simon was certainly as good a judge of men as any of those English grumblers who called Portland a dunce and a boor;Saint Simon too had every opportunity of forming a correct judgment; for he saw Portland in a situation full of difficulties; and Saint Simon says, in one place, "Benting, discret, secret, poli aux autres, fidele a son maitre, adroit en affaires, le servit tres utilement;" in another, "Portland parut avec un eclat personnel, une politesse, un air de monde et de cour, une galanterie et des graces qui surprirent; avec cela, beaucoup de dignite, meme (le hauteur, mais avec discernement et un jugement prompt sans rien de hasarde." Boufflers too extols Portland's good breeding and tact. Boufflers to Lewis, July 9.
1697. This letter is in the archives of the French Foreign Office. A translation will be found in the valuable collection published by M. Grimblot.
FN 807 Boufflers to Lewis, June 21/July 1 1697; Lewis to Boufflers, June 22/July 2; Boufflers to Lewis, June 25/July 5FN 808 Boufflers to Lewis June 28/July 8, June 29/July 9 1697FN 809 My account of this negotiation I have taken chiefly from the despatches in the French Foreign Office. Translations of those despatches have been published by M. Grimblot. See also Burnet, ii. 200, 201.
It has been frequently asserted that William promised to pay Mary of Modena fifty thousand pounds a year. Whoever takes the trouble to read the Protocol of Sept. 10/20 1697, among the Acts of the Peace of Ryswick, will see that my account is correct. Prior evidently understood the protocol as I understand it. For he says, in a letter to Lexington of Sept. 17. 1697, "No. 2. is the thing to which the King consents as to Queen Marie's settlements.