第88章 CXCIX
Both messengers did on their horses mount;From that city nimbly they issued out.
Then, sore afraid, their admiral they sought, To whom the keys of Sarraguce they brought.
Says Baligant: "Speak now; what have ye found?
Where's Marsilies, to come to me was bound?"Says Clarien : "To death he's stricken down.
That Emperour was in the pass but now;
To France the Douce he would be homeward-bound, Rereward he set, to save his great honour:
His nephew there installed, Rollanz the count, And Oliver; the dozen peers around;A thousand score of Franks in armour found.
Marsile the king fought with them there, so proud;He and Rollanz upon that field did joust.
With Durendal he dealt him such a clout From his body he cut the right hand down.
His son is dead, in whom his heart was bound, And the barons that service to him vowed;Fleeing he came, he could no more hold out.
That Emperour has chased him well enow.
The king implores, you'll hasten with succour, Yields to you Spain, his kingdom and his crown."And Baligant begins to think, and frowns;Such grief he has, doth nearly him confound.