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Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition
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Chapter 1. JavaScript—A Quick Overview
JavaScript data structure and algorithms
Setting up the environment
JavaScript basics
Control structures
Object-oriented programming in Javascript
Debugging and tools
Introducing ECMAScript
ECMAScript 6 functionalities
ECMAScript 7 functionalities
Chapter 2. Arrays
Why should we use arrays?
Creating and initializing arrays
Adding elements
Removing elements
Adding and removing elements from a specific position
Two-dimensional and multidimensional arrays
References for JavaScript array methods
The TypedArray class
Chapter 3. Stacks
The stack data structure
EcmaScript 6 and the Stack class
Solving problems using stacks
Chapter 4. Queues
The queue data structure
Creating a queue
The Queue class using ECMAScript 6 syntax
The priority queue
The circular queue - Hot Potato
JavaScript task queues
Chapter 5. Linked Lists
The linked list data structure
Creating a linked list
Doubly linked lists
Circular linked lists
Chapter 6. Sets
Structuring a dataset
Creating a set
Set operations
ES6 – the Set class
Chapter 7. Dictionaries and Hashes
The hash table
The ES6 Map class
The ES6 WeakMap and WeakSet classes
Chapter 8. Trees
The tree data structure
Tree terminology
The binary and binary search trees
Tree traversal
Searching for values in a tree
Self-balancing trees
Chapter 9. Graphs
Graph terminology
Representing a graph
Creating the Graph class
Graph traversals
Shortest path algorithms
Minimum spanning tree (MST)
Chapter 10. Sorting and Searching Algorithms
The sorting algorithms
Searching algorithms
Chapter 11. Patterns of Algorithm
Dynamic programming
Greedy algorithms
Introduction to functional programming
Chapter 12. Algorithm Complexity
Big-O notation
Having fun with algorithms